Auto Burglaries at William Pond (photos!)

The Sacramento County Ranger has sent out the following:
A number of Cars were burglarized at William Pond Park this past Sunday. Some of the burglaries were inside the park and some were outside at McClaren Drive and Ivanhoe Way. The suspects are consistently breaking into the cars and using the trunk openers to get inside the trunk. The thieves got away with several thousands of dollars in property and cash along with credit cards, which they immediately went shopping with. Surveillance video from one of the local stores has provided us with a good description of the suspects and their vehicle.
We determined the van is an older Ford Aerostar, Dark in color. The van is very distinctive as it has running boards and a missing hub cap on its right front. If you see this van or persons lurking in the parks please contact us as soon as possible by calling 916-875-PARK (7275). If you have any information on the identity of these persons or the van, you can email me (John Havicon) or call me at 875-6961.