More Good News About Knees
As you know by now, I am always happy to write about scientific studies that support my existing bias.
Here is more science finding that, regardless of what my mother believes, running is actually beneficial to your knees.
Money quote:
In one study, Swedish researchers found that exercise, including jogging, may even be beneficial. Felson describes how researchers took one group of people at risk of osteoarthritis and had them engage in exercise, including jogging. The other group didn’t exercise. After imaging the joints of the participants in both study groups, they found that the biochemistry of cartilage actually appeared to improve in those participants who were running. Felson says that suggests that “running is actually healthy for the joint.”
The caveat is that if you have some preexisting mechanical problem, you may be out of luck. Otherwise: Lace ’em up kids and get out there!
(Thanks to Lloyd for the story tip!)