Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Archive for March, 2011

Parkway Flooding Update

March 18, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

All the gates are open at Nimbus Dam (on the American River at Hazel Ave)

In case you weren’t already aware, the rivers are running quite high. As a result, much of Discovery Park is underwater, making the American River Parkway impassable at that point.

There are reports of flooding at the 0.5 mile mark (near the archery range), just past the 1 mile mark, and along the creek where the trail passes under Northgate Blvd. (between the 2 and 2.5 mile marks).

I am also getting reports this morning of flooding on the upper end of the Parkway, near mile marks 20.5 and 21, or Sunrise Blvd. (An alert reader tells me there is a well marked detour at this point.)


Rucky Chucky Roundabout Cancelled!

March 18, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Ultrarunning

While the race website still has no mention of it, the race directors for Saturday’s Rucky Chucky Roundabout sent out an email on Wednesday canceling the event. The email included the following apology:

We are sorry for the inconvenience that this may cause. We had already received the race shirts and had already shopped at Costco for race food today before we received the call.

The question of refunds has come up, but so-far all that race management is offering is a free entry to another of their races.

We are willing to offer a free entry to another one of our 2011 races(except Rock’n River 50).

I have more than a little sympathy for the race directors in this situation, but this has happened once before. Perhaps it’s a little too early in the season for this race at this particular location. (more…)

Mark Your Calendar! CIM Registration Opens March 21st

March 16, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

Plan ahead!

It may be hard to believe, but registration for the California International Marathon opens up on March 21st.

It seems awfully early, but the race does sell out and they are offering a significantly cheaper rate for those of you willing to commit to a marathon well before you start to train for it.

The $85 rate is good until June 1st, when it goes up to $105.

Last year’s race filled up in October and there is no reason this year will be much different. However, the CIM folks are hinting of some alternative entry process. A recent email from the race says, (more…)

How High is the River?

March 15, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

American river at the Guy West Bridge, photo by John Blue

Earlier this month, I had passed on reports of increased river flows but was irritated about the lack of context available in those reports.

What did it mean to us Parkway users?

Once again, the Bee and the Bureau of Reclamation have alerted us to increased river flows. This time I can warn you that it is likely to flood Discovery Park.


Shamrock’n Half Results Posted

March 13, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Road Races

I have to confess. I was too tired after yesterday’s Way Too Cool 50K to get up early, as I’d planned, and go to the Shamrock’n Half Marathon.

Apparently, however, thousands of you did. Results are posted here.

It was nice that the rain held off until late this afternoon!


Miles and Miles of Mud and Fun at the Way Too Cool 50K

March 13, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Trails, Ultrarunning

Chris Conwell and Mike French celebrate their finish

Leading up to this year’s Way Too Cool 50K, the buzz was mostly about the new “faster” course. P.R.s for everyone!

As race day approached, it became apparent another key factor for the runners would be water and mud on the course. Would the loss of 1,000 feet of climbing be offset by slipping and sliding through acres of deep and sticky mud, and countless, deep stream crossings? Well, maybe.

The historic course included several miles of two-way traffic, along narrow single-track trails, and seemed designed to provoke conflict between the fastest runners and the runners at the back of the pack. The new course eliminates all the two-way traffic and knocked out 1,000 feet of climbing.


Way Too Cool Results Posted

March 12, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Trails, Ultrarunning

The race was fun, fast, and muddy.

Results are up at Capital Road Race Management.

More race details to come tomorrow. I’m tired.

Big Race Weekend: Way Too Cool 50K and Shamrock’n Half

March 11, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races, Ultrarunning

The sun is out, the trees are blooming, the birds are chirping, and there is a buzz of excitement around here as 6,000 runners prepare to take on a couple of the area’s largest events.

Tony Lafferty and Rory Bosio take a break from volunteering at registration to check out a map of the new WTC course.

This year’s  Way Too Cool 50K will be run on what is anticipated to be a faster, new course featuring around 1,000 feet less climbing and no more two-way traffic.  (Sorry folks, it’s still 50Km.)

With nearly 700 registered runners, this will easily be one of the largest trail ultras in the country, and the


Caren Spore Preps for WTC

March 10, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Ultrarunning

Today’s Bee has a nice article on Quad Dipsea champ Caren Spore. The story, by Sam McManis, talks about Spore’s history and  training for Way Too Cool 50K.

It’s nice to see local runners getting some coverage!

Will the County be Charging you to Run on the Parkway?

March 09, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

Rumors abound that the Recreation and Parks Commission is looking to generate more fees from Parkway users.

One potential source of revenue that has been identified by County staff is “training groups” that regularly use the parkway.

The proposed fee structure appears to be approximately $1 per person, per day–on top of existing parking fees. Here is the agenda item regarding fee schedules that was approved at the February  Recreation and Parks Commission meeting.

I suspect they are targeting the larger training groups we see on the parkway. It will be interesting to see them try to collect the fee and differentiate between “training groups” and “groups of people that get together to train.”


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