Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Is This the End of Minimalist Running Shoes?

November 03, 2014 By: John Blue Category: General Running News

shoesIt seems we’ve gone nearly full circle in terms of running shoes, with this article in the Sacramento Bee about the rise of the “Maximalist Running Shoe.

The hot trend now is the opposite of minimalism – shoes pumped up with additional cushioning that is meant to provide stability and absorb shock. On the frontier of that movement is a brand called Hoka One One, a line of “maximalist” road and trail shoes with more than twice the midsole material of a standard model.

It’s not really a return to the gigantic, heavy running shoes of a decade ago. The Hoka One One shoes at the basis of the article are actually quite light. It could be seen as a the convergence of technology and a market need.

I think the key point here is to figure out what kind of shoe works for you and your feet, and use those.



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