Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Archive for the ‘Parkway Updates’

Parkway Updates–Updated!

July 31, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

Workers repair the levee under the trail near the I Street Bridge (SRN Photo)

There are a couple of projects on the American and Sacramento River Parkway trails to keep an eye out for.

Just upstream from the I Street Bridge, where the Army Corps of Engineers had repaired a bit of erosion along the levee, contractors are scheduled to begin the installation some needed railing along the river side.

This should not result in a detour, but it will likely require one lane to be closed in this already congested, shoulderless stretch of trail.

In a few weeks, there should be a detour near Campus Commons Golf Course. From the Sacramento Regional Parks website: (more…)

Eppie’s Great Race and Tour de France

July 25, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates, Road Races

Every year, around late June, I begin noticing a special kind of cyclist on the American River Parkway. Their typical equipment is spotlessly new or, as often, coated with a year’s worth of garage dust.

These riders are strangely intense–hitting curves at speeds testing their abilities, their faces in full grimace. Runners, leisurely cyclists, and elderly bird watchers are often shouted off the pavement as these frenzied cyclists whoosh past.

Usually, after several encounters with these strangely intense riders, I slap my head in remembrance. Eppies! Of course.

And probably adding to their intensity is each day’s installment of Le Tour, waiting at home on the DVR.


Board of Supervisors Keeps Regional Park Funding Options Open

July 21, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

Grassroots Working Group representative Clyde McDonald explains the options to the County Board of Supervisors. (Photo by John Blue)

Tuesday evening, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted to keep their options open for possible funding of the regional parks system.

The Sacramento Bee reports:

The Board of Supervisors directed staff to draft state legislation to allow a November 2012 election for a 0.1 percent sales tax increase.


Sacramento County Board of Supervisors to Hear Regional Park Funding Recommendations

July 18, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

Tomorrow, July 19th, at 3:15, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will be hearing recommendations from the Grass Roots Working Group regarding funding options for the regional park system.

If the parks are important to you, especially the American River Parkway, then you should attend this meeting or call your Supervisor and let them know what you think.

The meeting materials, including the Grass Roots Working Group recommendations, can be found here. It is Item 65, and scheduled to be heard at 3:15.

Your Supervisor can be found here. Give them a call. They’d love to hear from you!



Parkway Updates: Closures, Detours, Funding

July 11, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

Something we all enjoy.

Like mushrooms after a summer rain, signs are popping up on the Parkway announcing upcoming closures and detours.

The first one is actually on the Sacramento River, just up-stream of Old Sacramento and the I Street Bridge.

There is a bit of erosion encroaching on the trail and an unguarded drop off along the river side. This is posted to be closed starting on July 13 and be re-opened on July 17th. We’ll try to keep you posted.

The detour for this part of the trail is (from Downtown) to head up I Street as though you are crossing the I Street Bridge and turning right down Jibboom Street. This will actually carry you up and over the work-site.


Cats on Treadmills

May 15, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates, Videos

It’s unseasonably cold outside and you’re looking for motivation to go for a run.

You could bust out that Sweatin’ to the Oldies DVD. Or, you could entertain yourself by watching cats run on a treadmill.

Suit yourself!

Expect Congestion on the Parkway on Saturday, April 30th

April 28, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

If you are planning to run on the American River Parkway this Saturday, you should probably avoid the area within six-miles of William Pond. The Parkway Half Marathon will be starting there at 7:15, and the Parkway is otherwise “closed” in this area until noon.

Remember that the Parkway Half is actually two out-and-back races, with walkers going upstream from William Pond and the runners going downstream.

Plan accordingly!

Parkway Update

April 19, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

This morning, I took a run through Discovery Park to see if the trail was clear of water at last.

There was still the carcass of a large salmon, somewhat worked over by scavengers, lying on the grass near the archery range. It seemed an ominous sign.

Between the 0.5 and 1.o mile marks, there was a large, smelly pond lying across the trail–but there was a narrow strip of asphalt showing along one edge of the trail.

Bicyclists could pass easily, but would be happiest with fenders. Runners could jump across with maybe one shoe getting soaked with dank water.

By tomorrow, I expect there will be a ribbon of dry pavement to run across.

That being said, the county is stating that Discovery Park will remain closed until April 30th so the parks folks can clean things up. (The park itself is still a disgusting mess.)

Other than that, the parkway is now clear, for runners and cyclists, all the way from downtown to Folsom Lake. Start running!

Discovery Park Still Closed

April 13, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

This morning, I was able to run through Discovery Park and scope out the mud and flood situation.

The river has subsided and most of the paved surfaces in Discovery Park are dry, even if still covered in drying mud and debris. However, much of the grassy area of the park is still under a fair amount of water and mud.

The trail is still flooded starting around the 0.5 mile mark. Be patient! I should be clear, soon.

Yes. Discovery Park is Still Flooded

April 06, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

The trail is clear from the 3.o mile mark (behind Cal Expo) to Beals Point

The rivers (American and Sacramento) are both steadily dropping, but we are sad to report that Discovery Park is still under water.

The USGS is predicting the Sacramento River will drop below 19-feet at the I Street bridge by Sunday afternoon. This is the point that Discovery Park begins to drain out, but it can often take a few more days to clear out enough to be usable.

The County is generally pretty quick about cleaning the trail of debris when the water recedes, but it all still takes time. With luck, by next weekend (April 16th) it may be ready to go.

As of a day ago, it was reported that there was still water on the trail for about a mile from Discovery Park, and again 2.75 miles from Discovery (under US 160). There was also water reported on the trail on the South side of the river near Howe Avenue.

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