Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Archive for the ‘Training’

The Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (and lungs)!

August 15, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Science, Training

You may have noticed it gets hot during the summer in Sacramento–and the rest of interior California. For the most part, you can adapt to running in the warmer weather.

It gets more challenging when the air is still, or there are wildfires upwind, and the air quality in the Valley begins to degrade.

This summer, we’ve been fortunate to have so few bad air days–with only a handful of Spare the Air Days, so far.

What, exactly, is air pollution and what does it mean for me?


Everything You Know is Wrong

August 06, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Science, Training

Is this a waste of time? (SRN photo)

Recently, we learned that dehydration and electrolytes may not be the culprits behind cramping during races. For those of us who have been running for many years, this was difficult to digest.

A couple of years ago, word got around that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (AKA NSAIDs, AKA ibuprofen, etc.) might actually be interfering with the healing process so we all became ice bath officionados.

Now, we learn that maybe icing isn’t such a great thing to do, either!


From “Hobby Jogger” to Olympic Marathon Trials (Video)

January 12, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races, Training, Videos

It is one of my core beliefs that very few runners ever achieve all they are capable of.

There are many reasons for this, but often it’s simply that people don’t realize that they are capable of doing more and going faster.

Running is one of the few things in life that consistently and generously rewards you for diligent, and intelligent effort.

Of course, no matter how hard you train, to be an elite runner you need to have some talent. But how will you know whether you have the talent unless you push yourself a bit?

There are many exciting stories coming out of the Olympic Trials Marathon, but this has to be one of my favorites.


High Intensity Interval Training

June 29, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Science, Training, Videos

Here’s a nice video from the Wall Street Journal about interval training.


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