Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Flood Control Center on the Parkway–Still the Fed’s Preferred Site

October 29, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

Does a 200,000 square foot office building belong here?

Regular readers will remember that we’ve already written about the gigantic, flood control facility proposed for construction along the American River Parkway, at the Nimbus Fish Hatchery.

The proposal is still alive and kicking, and today’s Bee includes an article with some important information about the project.

Most of us who use the Parkway are concerned about adding significant traffic to an area already congested with vehicle traffic (Hazel Avenue and US 50), as well as impinging on a major recreation and bicycle commuting route.


How High is the River?

March 15, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

American river at the Guy West Bridge, photo by John Blue

Earlier this month, I had passed on reports of increased river flows but was irritated about the lack of context available in those reports.

What did it mean to us Parkway users?

Once again, the Bee and the Bureau of Reclamation have alerted us to increased river flows. This time I can warn you that it is likely to flood Discovery Park.


How High is the River?

March 02, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

The American River at the Guy West Bridge

It looks like the local flood control guys are worried about this storm coming through and are increasing flows from Folsom Dam.

It remains to be seen whether this will impact the trail or the upcoming Shamrock’n Half Marathon.

The Sacramento Bee has some info.

Here’s the press release from the Bureau of Reclamation.


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