Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

People Who Live in Glass Houses…

May 05, 2015 By: John Blue Category: General Running News

head scratcherNew questions have emerged regarding the Boston Marathon Dad who famously and publicly scolded his kids’ school principal over a letter concerning their absence from school so they could watch him run.

Apparently, his qualifying run at the Lehigh Valley Marathon was a bit of an outlier compared to all his other race results listed on results aggregator Athlinks, and the only photo of him from that race was taken as he crossed the finish line. (As is typical in a marathon, there were numerous photographers along the course and there are multiple photos of most other runners at different points along the race.)

Naturally, the sleuths at Letsrun are on the case!

Read more at, who has been closely monitoring this important story.


Notes on Boston

April 26, 2014 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

boston logoI don’t know about you, but I was pretty happy to see Meb Keflezighi win at Boston–running out in front for miles and miles before anyone, finally (too late) took him seriously.

It was also thrilling to see Shalane Flanagan pulling the women out to a record pace, forcing the top women to pay dearly if they wanted to go along for the ride. I was sorry she faded, but super impressed at her run, just the same.

Here is a great analysis of the race, putting the women’s record setting race and the men’s upset into perspective.

The news that the top-American runners worked together to help another American win (and many earn personal bests for themselves) was also pretty sweet and a sign that American distance running is maturing.


Boston Will Be Warm

April 15, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

Good luck to everyone running the Boston Marathon, tomorrow!

It looks like it may be warm (80+) so maybe leave the gloves at home and try to drink a little more fluids than you’ve been needing on your 42 degree (Fahrenheit) training runs.

The Boston Athletic Association is so concerned about the heat, they have issued an advisory, saying:

We are now making the recommendation that if you are not highly fit or if you have any underlying medical conditions (for example-cardiac disease, pulmonary disease or any of a number of medical problems), you should NOT run this race.


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