Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Running Fast at the 7th Annual Willow Hills XC Open

October 13, 2015 By: John Blue Category: Cross Country, General Running News, Masters Runners

Ashley Carroll powers to the win (SRN photo)

Ashley Carroll powers to the win at the Willow Hills XC Open (SRN photo)

Did you run cross country in high school and now miss the sport? Or did you never run cross country but wonder what it would be like?

Even if the rosy glow of youth is long behind you, you can still get in on the fun at some fast, local races. Prices are low, so don’t expect bands or swag bags, just good times and fierce competition.

Folsom was the place for the 5th Annual Willow Hill Cross Country Open, this past Saturday. This race is ably hosted by the Buffalo Chips Running Club and is part of the PAUSATF Cross Country Grand Prix, so top runners throughout Northern California were out in force and winning times on the hilly 5 Km were fast.

The women’s race was first to run, and the Impalas’ Ashley Carroll, 32, ran away from SRA’s Lea Wallace, 26, in the last mile to win in a time of 18:09. Wallace finished second in 18:19. Ibet Allan, 38, running for West Valley Track Club, was third with an 18:40 finish.


Run Free: The True Story of Caballo Blanco at the Crest on September 21

September 07, 2015 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Trails, Ultrarunning

Micah True (AKA Caballo Blanco)

Micah True (AKA Caballo Blanco)

Run Free: The True Story of Caballo Blanco, a feature-length documentary about ultra-running legend Micah True, will screen at the Crest Theatre in Sacramento on Monday, September 21 at 7 p.m. This one-night-only event is sponsored by the Buffalo Chips Running Club.

Micah True, better known as Caballo Blanco – the White Horse – was the focal character of Christopher McDougall’s 2009 best-selling book Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen about the Tarahumara Indians of northern Mexico. Also known as the Rarámuri, or Running People, they are some of the best long-distance runners in the world.

Caballo Blanco was an enigmatic visionary who lived and ran with the Tarahumara after moving to remote Copper Canyon in the 1990s, and who created the fifty-mile Copper Canyon Ultra-Marathon to honor their running traditions and aid in their sustainability.


Running Far at the Jed Smith Ultra Classic

February 11, 2013 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races, Ultrarunning

Amy Halseth wins the 50 mile race. (SRN photo)

Amy Halseth wins the 50 mile race. (SRN photo)

The green grass and warm sun of spring still seem far away on these cold and damp Valley mornings. But there are harbingers of happier times!

There are occasional, cheerful, sunny afternoons that remind me of how much easier it is on these old bones to run when it’s warmer, and how much easier it is to get out of bed when it’s daylight already when I wake up for work.

One such harbinger of spring is the Jed Smith Ultra Classic, put on by the Buffalo Chips Running Club each February since I was a wee lad in short trousers. (Actually, since 1979.) For as long as I can remember, it has been the first race in the Pacific Associations Ultra Grand Prix.


Buffalo Stampede!

September 15, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

Austin Weaver on his way to the win at Sunday's Buffalo Stampede. (SRN Photo)

Since the dawn of time*, runners have gathered on the 1st Sunday after Labor Day to run the Buffalo Stampede. The race has grown and shrunk again over the years but it remains a “must do race” for the Sacramento running community.

Many locals think of it as the kick-off race for the build up to the California International Marathon, and the weather for this year’s event could hardly have been more perfect.

Several years ago, the Buffalo Chips added a second, non-competitive race for slower runners–now known as the Parrott Migration.


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