Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

CIM Registration is Off the Chart!

September 15, 2010 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

Lets say you’ve been training for the California International Marathon and it’s still months away. December 5th seems like a distant country. No need to worry about signing up yet, right?

Unfortunately, that is probably not a good idea this year. Like many races, CIM’s registration is way ahead of prior years’, and they are reporting three times the number of registrations compared to this time last year. You might not want to put it off. They’ve passed 5,000 already and are capped at 7,500.

Buffaloes Stampede Along the American River

September 13, 2010 By: John Blue Category: Road Races

Jaymee Marty

Jaymee Marty looking strong at the halfway point.

Since the 1970s, runners from around the region have lined up on the first Sunday after Labor Day to take on one of Sacramento’s premier distance running events: The Buffalo Stampede.

In the heyday of American distance running, there were fewer races to choose from and the competition was fierce. A sub-60 minute time might not guarantee you a top-20 finish!

The popularity of this 10-mile race has ebbed and flowed over the years, and the fast end of the field at one point dwindled to a single runner breaking that 60-minute barrier.


CIM Entry Fee Jumps this Weekend!

July 29, 2010 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

It’s not even August and now you need to make that critical decision: Register for the marathon now (before August 1st) and Pay $80, or wait until you’re sure you’ll be running and pay $100.  Relay team prices go up from $100 to $160.  You may as well bite the bullet and register now since registration closes for sure by November 1st, and they are on track to sell out in advance of that date.

It seems like just a couple of years ago, registering at the Expo was still an option!  Get the details at the California International Marathon website.

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