Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Why is there Nothing but Criticism for America’s Top Marathoner?

October 14, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

Lloyd Levine

By Lloyd Levine, Special to the SRN

Ryan Hall seemingly draws more criticism than praise with each successive marathon he completes.

At the press conference after the 2011 Chicago Marathon, Phillip Hersh of the Chicago Tribune touched a nerve by saying to Ryan Hall, “Just being the best in the U.S. doesn’t mean much anymore.”  It seems that Hersh was feeling a bit let down by Hall’s performance in the race.

While Hersh’s question was uncalled for and unwarranted, I can understand why he, perhaps, felt let down.  Ryan Hall teases us with his results, talent and reports of his training exploits. Based on all of that people expect him to win, or at least contend for a win every time he runs.

Hall is the most talented U.S. born marathon runner in decades (and to a degree, being U.S. born matters in this discussion as the running community seems desperate for a U.S. born runner who can compete with the Africans).


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