Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Hashers vs Aerojet

February 23, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News

Tuesday’s Bee has the strangest story about a local Hash House Harrier run gone seriously, epically, sideways. Apparently, some hashers were allegedly caught on Aerojet property and Aerojet security allegedly roughed them up went all “Guantanamo” on them.

Reportedly, the security guards generally went nuts over the flour the hashers were using to mark the route (HAZMAT!!!) and hilarity ensued.

Some of the hashers sued and in response, naturally, Aerojet filed a counter-suit. Two years of intense legal wrangling were followed with–silence from all the interested parties.

Some of the details in the Bee story seem to be a bit off –in particular identifying the Doughnut Dash as a “hash. It just happens to be listed on the club’s bulletin board.


Urban Cow Half Marathon: Entry Fees on the Mooove!

September 22, 2010 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

John Blue finishing up his pacing of the 2008 Cowtown Marathon

If you are planning to run the Urban Cow Half Marathon this year, you should know the fees go up on September 27th.

In case you’ve been living under a rock or somewhere far outside the Sacramento Metroplex, Urban Cow is the new name for the race that had been known as the Cowtown Half.

The owners of the other Cowtown Marathon got pissy with our race just being generally better, if for no other reason than our race is in Sacramento and not Fort Worth.

Lawyers, or the threat of lawyers, got involved and suddenly it is the Urban Cow Half Marathon. You can read the story behind all the name changes right here on the event’s history page.

If you were maybe sitting on the fence, and were trying to decide whether or not you had the fortitude to run this thing somewhere in the neighborhood of 1:40, you can join me, John Blue, as I lead this epic pace group.

There will be other pacers there, and maybe their pace is more what you were looking for, but I guarantee you that I will make many dumb jokes and do my best to get you in by 1:40.

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