Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Are You the Fastest Runner in the Park?

December 16, 2014 By: John Blue Category: General Running News

running manMy day was crowded with obligations and I found myself squeezing in a short run in McKinley Park before making the rainy drive home for a late dinner.

It was dark, and the decomposed granite path was dotted with puddles. Even at this hour there were, as always, a surprising number of people running in that park..

We weaved past each other and darted between the walkers, occasionally shouting a warning, searching for a passable gap to push through.

I don’t run in this park very often, but whenever I do I can’t help but remember this excellent essay by Eric Torres published in McSweeney’s: AN OPEN LETTER TO THE FASTEST JOGGER AT THE PARK. 

To begin, let me go on record as saying that you are, undoubtedly, the fastest jogger at the park. You burst out of the wooded thicket and into my sight like a firework of sweat and sleevelessness amidst Sunday’s leisurely banality. Kicking up a trail of dirt and pebbles, you weaved and dodged through the crowded walking path like Hermes in Raybans, and I could not look away.


An Open Letter to the Fastest Jogger at the Park

February 10, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News

If you’ve ever run in one of our many, wonderful parks, you’ll appreciate this essay from McSweeney’s Internet Tendencies.

If you’ve never surfed over to McSweeney’s, you owe it to yourself to check it out. There is some fabulous writing there and some of it is really, and truly hilarious.

To begin, let me go on record as saying that you are, undoubtedly, the fastest jogger at the park. You burst out of the wooded thicket and into my sight like a firework of sweat and sleevelessness amidst Sunday’s leisurely banality.

I don’t know if the writer, Eric Torres, is a runner or not, but he puts his literary finger on the experience of watching that person weaving, perhaps obnoxiously, through the crowded foot traffic in the park. (more…)

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