Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Guinness Says “Not So Fast!” With 100-Year-Old’s Marathon Record”

October 24, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Masters Runners

While not necessarily saying he’s not legit, the folks at the Guinness World Records are not accepting Fauja Singh’s record for the oldest marathon finisher since he cannot produce a birth certificate. 

Singh’s supporters say that birth certificates weren’t available in India 1911.

WMA is still recognizing his track and field records since they accept a passport as proof of age. Of course this raises an interesting question regarding the quality of WMA’s records.

How many other record times are suspect?


Age Is No Barrier!

October 17, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Masters Runners, Road Races

Some of us seem to be outrunning Father Time!

There are a few “age related” running stories for you today.

At Sunday’s Toronto Marathon (flat, fast and festive!), 100-year-old Fauja Singh became the first  centenarian to finish a marathon. His 8:25:16 wasn’t a particularly speedy time, but I think by the time you reach his age (You should be so lucky!), you’re a winner just by making it through your training! See a video of him finishing here.

Meanwhile, at that same race, while Fauja Singh was still working his way to the half-marathon mark, Ed Whitlock was wrapping up his marathon in 3:15:54. What makes this spectacular is that Whitlock is 80-years-old. You shouldn’t be surprised to learn that he won his age group. It was also a new world record. Of course, the record he broke was his own that he’d set six-months prior.

Incidentally, Whitlock was in Sacramento this summer for the World Masters Championships, where he set new age-division world records in the 1,500 and 10,000 meters. His times were 5:48 and 42:39, in case you are curious (Wow!).


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