Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Yes, Running is Good For You

April 20, 2014 By: John Blue Category: Science

This mouse will live longer and look better than her lazy cousin!

This mouse will live longer and look better than her lazy cousin!

In the continuing debate on whether running is helping or harming you, we turn to a recent article by Gretchen Reynolds, over at the NY Times Well blog.

Building on previous animal studies, researchers at McMaster University studied the skin of volunteers and found that people who got regular exercise had skin that appeared younger at a cellular level.

To see if the difference was truly due to exercise and not some other factor, the researchers put a group of sedentary volunteers on an exercise program and examined their skin before and after. (more…)

More Reasons to Keep Exercising

February 03, 2013 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Science

Your brain needs exercise.

Your brain needs exercise.

Gretchen Reynolds at the New York Times Wellblog, writes about a study looking at whether the brain benefits of exercise persist. 

Not for long, apparently.

Researchers took two group of rats. One group exercised for a few weeks and the other did not. As we would expect, the exercising rats did better in memory and anxiety tests.


Vegan Athletes

June 22, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Science

Can a vegan diet help you run faster?

Gretchen Reynolds, writing at the New York Times Well blog, explores the issue of whether athletes can perform well on a vegan diet.

Her piece was sparked by the release of Scott Jurek’s new book Eat & Run, which we all are no doubt going to run off and purchase.

I enjoy Reynold’s writing on running and health, but was a little frustrated by the lack of distinction here between vegetarian (no meat) and vegan (no animal products).


Here’s Something to Listen to While Running

July 27, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News

Like most people, I have thousands of songs on my iPod, but one of the things I enjoy the most about it is being able to save and listen to audio books and interesting podcasts.

Recently, a friend sent me a link to Wisconsin Public Radio’s To the Best of Our Knowledge interviews and stories about running.

They include Christopher McDougall talking about the Tarahumara, Gretchen Reynolds on running myths, Jason Robillard on barefoot running, and Jim Fleming reading from novelist Haruki Murakami’s “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.”

Tasty treats for your ears when you’re on long lonely runs, or on long airplane rides and would rather be running. Enjoy!


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