Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Tollefsons Appear to Set World Record at CIM

August 17, 2014 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

Tim and Lindsay Tollefson before the 2012 Trials (Photo courtesy Tim Tollefson)

Tim and Lindsay Tollefson before the 2012 Trials (Photo courtesy Tim Tollefson)

By John Schumacher

Tim and Lindsay Tollefson headed into the 2013 California International Marathon hoping to record qualifying times for the 2016 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials.

The couple might have achieved something else last December during the 26.2-mile race from Folsom to the state Capitol: a Guinness World Record.

The Tollefsons’ combined time of 5 hours – he ran 2:18:29, she finished in 2:41:31 — appears to be the fastest marathon run by a married couple in the same event. Guinness lists Kenta and Norika Soto of Japan as the current record holders for fastest married couple, aggregate time, with a 5:28:23 mark.


Guinness Says “Not So Fast!” With 100-Year-Old’s Marathon Record”

October 24, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Masters Runners

While not necessarily saying he’s not legit, the folks at the Guinness World Records are not accepting Fauja Singh’s record for the oldest marathon finisher since he cannot produce a birth certificate. 

Singh’s supporters say that birth certificates weren’t available in India 1911.

WMA is still recognizing his track and field records since they accept a passport as proof of age. Of course this raises an interesting question regarding the quality of WMA’s records.

How many other record times are suspect?


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