Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Jane Kibii Wins the Double at Run to Feed the Hungry

November 29, 2014 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

Three of the region's top masters runners: Terry Baucom, Midori Sperandeo, and a cheering Rich Hanna. (Photo courtesy of Randy Wehner Photography.)

Three of the region’s top masters runners (L to R): Terry Baucom, Midori Sperandeo, and a cheering Rich Hanna. (Photo courtesy of Randy Wehner Photography.)

If you had been at the first Run to Feed the Hungry, you’d hardly recognize the massive event it’s grown into during the last two decades.

Ballooning from several hundred to 27,000, it’s become one of the largest races in the country and probably the largest Thanksgiving race period.


Independence Day Races

July 08, 2013 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

July 4 finish

Runners finishing five miles in the heat. (SRN photo)

One of the longest-running traditions in the Sacramento running community is the Free Fourth of July 5 Miler. The race through River Park, hosted by the Buffalo Chips, has been celebrating America’s freedom with free running for the past 37 years.

This year, despite the heat, nearly 1,000 hardy souls showed up to take part–including representatives of most of the area’s running clubs and training groups.

This is a low-budget affair so there is no chip timing–just good old fashion stop watches. Here are the top finishers:


What’s Your Excuse?

May 27, 2013 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Masters Runners, Road Races

Barbara Miller running strong (SRN photo)

Barbara Miller running strong (SRN photo)

On an uncharacteristically cool Memorial Day morning, several hundred runners and walkers lined up in Land Park for another running of the No Excuses 5K.

No Excuses is Sacramento’s original opportunity for fast young men to get their clocks cleaned by older, fast women and pre-teens in the age-graded results–a race within a race, so to speak.

In the age-graded results, winner Barbara Miller, 73, of Modesto continues to dominate by continuing to run pretty darn fast–age graded or not.


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