Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

From “Hobby Jogger” to Olympic Marathon Trials (Video)

January 12, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races, Training, Videos

It is one of my core beliefs that very few runners ever achieve all they are capable of.

There are many reasons for this, but often it’s simply that people don’t realize that they are capable of doing more and going faster.

Running is one of the few things in life that consistently and generously rewards you for diligent, and intelligent effort.

Of course, no matter how hard you train, to be an elite runner you need to have some talent. But how will you know whether you have the talent unless you push yourself a bit?

There are many exciting stories coming out of the Olympic Trials Marathon, but this has to be one of my favorites.


Television Coverage of US Running Events Continues to Suck

January 11, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News

500 channels and no live coverage

This year, for the first time in US history, the Olympic Trials Marathon, for both men and women, will be held at the same time and at the same venue. This is a terrific opportunity to showcase our sport!

Sadly, Unless you’ve got a ticket to Houston, or are unlucky enough to live there, the only television coverage you’ll get to see of the Olympic Trials marathon will be a two-hour, tape delayed version at 3:00 PM Eastern Time on NBC.

Take out the 30 minutes of commercials, and that leaves about 90-minutes to cover a nearly three hour event. Take out the required 20-minutes of athlete interviews and jibber-jabber, and that leaves maybe 70-minutes of actual running.


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