Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Notes on Boston

April 26, 2014 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

boston logoI don’t know about you, but I was pretty happy to see Meb Keflezighi win at Boston–running out in front for miles and miles before anyone, finally (too late) took him seriously.

It was also thrilling to see Shalane Flanagan pulling the women out to a record pace, forcing the top women to pay dearly if they wanted to go along for the ride. I was sorry she faded, but super impressed at her run, just the same.

Here is a great analysis of the race, putting the women’s record setting race and the men’s upset into perspective.

The news that the top-American runners worked together to help another American win (and many earn personal bests for themselves) was also pretty sweet and a sign that American distance running is maturing.


What did the Olympic Trials Marathon Tell Us About the Resurgence of American Marathon Running?

January 17, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News

Lloyd Levine

By Lloyd Levine, Special to the SRN

(Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up to two recent, data filled articles that Lloyd Levine wrote on the status of American marathon running. You can find them here.)

The Olympic Trials have come and gone, and on the Men’s side we had what is being touted as a “record breaking” race.  Unfortunately, the records that were broken were soft and old.  The race was interesting and exciting, but rather than illustrate a resurgence in U.S. running, it illustrated how far behind the rest of the world the United States really is.

(A personal note: I do not mean to be negative, just realistic.  I am a fan of running. I love running and watching races.  I love Kenyan runners, Ethiopian runners, and U.S. Runners, as well as runners from many other countries.  I like good races, fast races, and good stories. I would love to see the U.S. be competitive with the rest of the best runners in the world.  I am not anti-American runner; I am pro-realism.)


Olympic Marathon Trials Results: Locals Only!

January 15, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

You are probably by now aware that the Olympic Marathon trials were held in Houston this past Saturday.

During your long run this morning, you may have asked your running buddies something like, “I wonder how that woman from our club did? I think her name is Susan. Or maybe it’s Suzanne. I’m not quite sure but, you know, she’s has kind of brown hair and is kind of skinny? You know who I’m talking about?”

No. I don’t know, but I did look through the results and tried to pick out as many locals as I could find and collected their results here.


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