Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Watch Out Speeding Cyclists!

June 07, 2013 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

Watch out for rangers with radar!

Watch out for rangers with radar!

Today’s Bee includes an article about how Sacramento County Parks Rangers are saying they are going to start cracking down on cyclists who break the posted 15 mph speed limit on the American River Parkway.

I was asked to provide comments for the story and I prefaced them with my usual “There is room for everyone,” which naturally didn’t make the story.

There is room for everyone. We all just need to behave ourselves. All of us.


Farris, Pfeifer claim Gold Rush titles: The Pair’s Patience Pays a Performance Premium

May 12, 2013 By: John Blue Category: Trails, Ultrarunning

Galen Farris looking smooth at mile 45. (Photo by Sean Dulany/Freeplay Magazine)

Galen Farris looking smooth at mile 45. (Photo by Sean Dulany/Freeplay Magazine)

By John Schumacher

Galen Farris and Jen Pfeifer decided to start slowly, respect the heat and try to make up ground in the second half of the inaugural Gold Rush 100k on Saturday.


Parkway Trail Closures This Weekend Due to Eppies Great Race

July 20, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

Ranger Ollie sez: “Be careful!”

If you are planning to run on the American River Parkway this weekend, don’t forget that Saturday (July 21st) is Eppies Great Race.

This means the trail will be closed from the Guy West Bridge to Sunrise (figure miles 7.5 to 20) from 6:00 AM until noon.

One option is to run somewhere else and then head over to River Bend Park and watch the finish. Count how many athletes get out of their kayaks and fall down to the ground because their legs cramp 50 feet from the finish line.

Plan accordingly!


Flood Control Center on the Parkway–Still the Fed’s Preferred Site

October 29, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

Does a 200,000 square foot office building belong here?

Regular readers will remember that we’ve already written about the gigantic, flood control facility proposed for construction along the American River Parkway, at the Nimbus Fish Hatchery.

The proposal is still alive and kicking, and today’s Bee includes an article with some important information about the project.

Most of us who use the Parkway are concerned about adding significant traffic to an area already congested with vehicle traffic (Hazel Avenue and US 50), as well as impinging on a major recreation and bicycle commuting route.


World Masters Championships Marathon Course

May 28, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Masters Runners, Road Races

The World Masters Athletics Championships (AKA World Masters Track and Field Champs) are a little more than a month away and there is excitement in the air. It’s a little like you’re a kid waiting for Christmas, except maybe you’re hoping that Santa Claus is going to bring you that massive track meet you’ve always wanted!

(I suppose I should task the interns with rounding up some better metaphors.)

Most of the venues are pretty easy to figure out. One world-class track is pretty much the same as another. The critical question for most of the events is: What’s the weather going to be like? (It’ll be July in Sacramento so the odds are good it will be warm and sunny.)


Parkway Update

April 19, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

This morning, I took a run through Discovery Park to see if the trail was clear of water at last.

There was still the carcass of a large salmon, somewhat worked over by scavengers, lying on the grass near the archery range. It seemed an ominous sign.

Between the 0.5 and 1.o mile marks, there was a large, smelly pond lying across the trail–but there was a narrow strip of asphalt showing along one edge of the trail.

Bicyclists could pass easily, but would be happiest with fenders. Runners could jump across with maybe one shoe getting soaked with dank water.

By tomorrow, I expect there will be a ribbon of dry pavement to run across.

That being said, the county is stating that Discovery Park will remain closed until April 30th so the parks folks can clean things up. (The park itself is still a disgusting mess.)

Other than that, the parkway is now clear, for runners and cyclists, all the way from downtown to Folsom Lake. Start running!

Discovery Park Still Closed

April 13, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

This morning, I was able to run through Discovery Park and scope out the mud and flood situation.

The river has subsided and most of the paved surfaces in Discovery Park are dry, even if still covered in drying mud and debris. However, much of the grassy area of the park is still under a fair amount of water and mud.

The trail is still flooded starting around the 0.5 mile mark. Be patient! I should be clear, soon.

Yes. Discovery Park is Still Flooded

April 06, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

The trail is clear from the 3.o mile mark (behind Cal Expo) to Beals Point

The rivers (American and Sacramento) are both steadily dropping, but we are sad to report that Discovery Park is still under water.

The USGS is predicting the Sacramento River will drop below 19-feet at the I Street bridge by Sunday afternoon. This is the point that Discovery Park begins to drain out, but it can often take a few more days to clear out enough to be usable.

The County is generally pretty quick about cleaning the trail of debris when the water recedes, but it all still takes time. With luck, by next weekend (April 16th) it may be ready to go.

As of a day ago, it was reported that there was still water on the trail for about a mile from Discovery Park, and again 2.75 miles from Discovery (under US 160). There was also water reported on the trail on the South side of the river near Howe Avenue.

River City Marathon Route Change

March 20, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

As I’ve noted previously (here and here), Discovery Park is under water. Unfortunately, the River City Marathon and half marathon planned for this coming weekend was supposed to finish in that park.

The word is out that the event has been re-routed, and the marathon is now an out-and-back between Negro Bar State Park and William Pond Park.

The half marathon will now be run from William Pond to finish at Negro Bar State Park.

See the event  website for details.


Parkway High Water Update

March 20, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

All the gates are open at Nimbus Dam.

This morning, I had the opportunity to run on the upper Parkway (upstream of Hazel Ave to Beals Point) and found it to be in quite good shape. State Parks folks were out keeping an eye on things and there was only a small amount of debris on the roadway.

The only standing water worth noting is just on the west edge of Negro Bar.

I felt that the most dangerous section was along the bluffs just downstream from Negro Bar. The new, cement retaining wall has already been put to work this winter, but you should still be alert to rocks and debris falling down on the trail while the hills are saturated from the endless rain.


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