Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Big Race Weekend: Way Too Cool 50K and Shamrock’n Half

March 11, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races, Ultrarunning

The sun is out, the trees are blooming, the birds are chirping, and there is a buzz of excitement around here as 6,000 runners prepare to take on a couple of the area’s largest events.

Tony Lafferty and Rory Bosio take a break from volunteering at registration to check out a map of the new WTC course.

This year’s  Way Too Cool 50K will be run on what is anticipated to be a faster, new course featuring around 1,000 feet less climbing and no more two-way traffic.  (Sorry folks, it’s still 50Km.)

With nearly 700 registered runners, this will easily be one of the largest trail ultras in the country, and the


Will the County be Charging you to Run on the Parkway?

March 09, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

Rumors abound that the Recreation and Parks Commission is looking to generate more fees from Parkway users.

One potential source of revenue that has been identified by County staff is “training groups” that regularly use the parkway.

The proposed fee structure appears to be approximately $1 per person, per day–on top of existing parking fees. Here is the agenda item regarding fee schedules that was approved at the February  Recreation and Parks Commission meeting.

I suspect they are targeting the larger training groups we see on the parkway. It will be interesting to see them try to collect the fee and differentiate between “training groups” and “groups of people that get together to train.”


Aquatic Center Parking?

February 12, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

Rumor has it they are finally enforcing the parking restrictions at the Aquatic Center.

Some time ago, I reported here that the Aquatic Center, would begin restricting parking access to Aquatic Center users (i.e., not the runners and cyclists). And then nothing happened.

This past weekend, there was an attendant turning people away from the parking lot. There doesn’t appear to be much logic associated with the move since the lot is generally half-empty whenever I’ve been there. One runner noted that last weekend, “My wife and I felt bad for the girl they made sit out there to protect their empty parking lot.”

What to do? Get a Golden Poppy Pass, you free-loader, and then park at Nimbus Flat, right around the corner. You should do this anyhow, then you can park at any lot along the river upstream from Hazel–and support the State Parks System that you use all the time.

Hazel Ave Bridge Closed This Weekend

November 05, 2010 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

The “Lake Loop” will be considerably longer than 11-miles if you run it this weekend, as the Hazel Bridge will be closed.

You should still be able to cross Hazel on the South side of the river. Check here (PDF) for more information and plan accordingly!

Update on Parkway Vehicle Burglaries

November 03, 2010 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

Sheriff deputies have been busy and caught the suspect in a recent string of auto burglaries along the parkway.

Numerous vehicle burglaries recently occurred at William B. Pond in the Arden /Carmichael area. Sheriff Detectives tracked and located and arrested a suspect in a local hotel. Detectives have identified the suspect as being responsible for more than 50 vehicle burglaries. The suspect has a long history of theft and narcotic usage. Detectives have recovered a lot of stolen property including purses, guns, credit cards, driver’s licenses and checks.  Detectives will be working with victims early this week.

A good reminder: Deputies were able to connect the numerous thefts and establish a pattern aiding in the capture of the suspect because the victims reported the crimes. Even if you doubt you’ll ever recover anything you’ve lost, it is a good idea to report the theft.

And don’t leave your wallet or purse in your car!


Auto Burglaries at William Pond (photos!)

October 26, 2010 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Parkway Updates

The Sacramento County Ranger has sent out the following:

A number of Cars were burglarized at William Pond Park this past Sunday. Some of the burglaries were inside the park and some were outside at McClaren Drive and Ivanhoe Way. The suspects are consistently breaking into the cars and using the trunk openers to get inside the trunk. The thieves got away with several thousands of dollars in property and cash along with credit cards, which they immediately went shopping with. Surveillance video from one of the local stores has provided us with a good description of the suspects and their vehicle.

We determined the van is an older Ford Aerostar, Dark in color. The van is very distinctive as it has running boards and a missing hub cap on its right front. If you see this van or persons lurking in the parks please contact us as soon as possible by calling 916-875-PARK (7275).  If you have any information on the identity of these persons or the van, you can email me (John Havicon) or call me at 875-6961.

The suspects' van


You Can Stop Peeing in the Woods

October 06, 2010 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

The County reports that the bathroom and drinking fountain along the American River Parkway at Sunrise  is now complete and open for “business.”

The Monthly Ranger Report for August is also available here. (PDF) I must note this is the first time I’ve seen a bike vs. pedestrian accident.

There was also a report of a assault by a “jogger” on a bicyclist:

The male victim was riding his bicycle and encountered a jogger blocking the trail. The victim locked his brakes and was thrown from his bike. The suspect jogger struck the victim in the face with his fist. The suspect fled the scene.

I’m sure that’s exactly how it transpired. Come on people! There are rules and as I’ve said before they generally boil down to: share the road, pay attention, and don’t be a jerk. And don’t call runners “joggers.”

American River Parkway Detours in Effect

September 24, 2010 By: John Blue Category: Parkway Updates

Spanking-new retaining walls and DG shoulder near the 22 mile mark. Photo courtesy Sacramento County

If you have been running out on the Parkway lately, you’ll no doubt have noticed road crews beavering away at various sections of the trail.

Even though Sacramento County has been so short of cash they’re essentially letting the Parkway go feral and the transients have a free rein along the river, there has been plenty o’ cash for trail maintenance from the Measure A transportation funding.

Last weekend, I ran downstream from Hazel Avenue and was treated to running on newly laid, decomposed granite shoulders tucked along visually breathtaking new retaining walls.


Eppies Great Race: Experience Matters

July 18, 2010 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

Don’t expect to see many reports on triathlons here, but Eppie’s Great Race is still the big daddy of local, community centered sporting events.  For many locals, this may be the one organized race they compete in all year–either as an “ironman” or as part of a relay team. And the race raises a kayak-load of cash for Sacramento County Therapeutic Recreation Services, to help provide provide “therapeutic recreation opportunities for individuals with mental, physical, developmental, sensory, emotional impairments or special needs residing in Sacramento County.”

As a triathlon, it is odd in that you don’t need to know how to swim.  In lieu of a swim, this event includes a down-stream kayak (or evidently any other floating object) leg.

Once again, the winners of the Eppies Great Race Ironpersons divisions were 39-year old Nicole Young, who finished in 2:02:30, and 51-year old Vic Vicari who crushed the hopes and dreams of competitors half his age by finishing in an astonishing 1:44:24.  Interestingly, the next fastest man was 46-year old Mark Barrett, who was only a minute behind in 1:45:23.   Third and fourth place were 48-year old Jeff Schwing (1:48:21) and 40-year old Nikolas Rechtiene (1:51:48). Where are the fast young guys?


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