Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Calm Before the Storm

December 02, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News

The place to be on the Friday afternoon before CIM is the Convention Center. There is something magical about being at the Expo when it is only filled with volunteers and vendors. It’s fun seeing the booths decorated, and bib numbers and goody bags  being set out in expectation of the crush of nervous runners that will begin pouring in when the doors open.

Good luck everyone! It looks like its going to be a perfect day.

Vendors get ready for the big rush.


A hardworking Expo staffer.


Pat Sweeney Gets His Bike Back!

November 03, 2010 By: John Blue Category: General Running News

A year ago, Pat Sweeney, the owner of Fleet Feet on J  Street, had his very expensive bike stolen out of his SUV right before he was headed to Hawaii to compete in the Ironman.

Believe it or not, you may again see Pat tooling around in his Orbea tri-bike thanks to alert Sacramento County Sheriff’s detectives.

I’ve learned a few things from the Bee’s article about the recovery of Pat’s bike:

  1. If you buy a $9,000 bike, write down the serial number. You’ll be wanting that when the bike gets stolen.
  2. If you steal a bike, don’t steal a $9,000 (or$15,000) bike. People will notice you if you don’t look like the kind of person that should be riding a $9,000 bike, and yet, are. And finally,
  3. Cops use Google, too!
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