Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

CIM Filling Up Early!

August 13, 2013 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

Don't procrastinate!

Don’t procrastinate!

The trend for marathons these days is to fill up and fill up early.

It seems that the local, popular California International Marathon is no different.

The race filled up last year by August 22nd, and race management is reporting fewer than 1,000 of the total 8,000 entries remain available.

I guarantee you it will fill to capacity, so if you are planning to run the race–register soon.

This is a far cry from the good old days when we could sign up for the race at the expo!

If you are a faster runner (approximately able to meet Boston qualifying standards), there will be an additional window for registration between October 1st and October 15th for runners who can meet the Guaranteed Entry Standards.


CIM Registration Re-Opens

October 01, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

You still have a chance to get in!

The California International Marathon–known lovingly here as CIM–met its apparently semi-official cap of 8,000 runners in August.

But for those of you speedy enough to meet the CIM’s time standards – five minutes slower than the Boston Marathon age-group qualifying times – you can still register until October 15th. See the website for details.

Can you run a qualifying marathon this weekend?


CIM Filled to Capacity!

August 22, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

I hope you got in!

The California International Marathon announced today that they have reached their 8,000 runner registration cap.

Last year, the race filled in October, so it looks like there is increasing demand for this popular race.

Fortunately for you fence-sitters, there are still a couple of ways to sneak into the event. (Not including actually sneaking in.)

If you are somewhat speedy, there is a guaranteed entry program for folks who meet the CIM Guaranteed Entry Standards–which are five minutes slower than the relevant Boston Marathon qualifying times.


CIM is Filling Up Fast!

August 09, 2012 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

You’ve got to plan ahead–Waaaay ahead!

Today’s lunchtime run was easily the hottest run of the year and the crisp training days of autumn still seem like an impossible dream.

With that in mind, it is difficult to come to terms with the fact I need to be deciding, right now, whether or not to register for a December marathon.

Difficult or not, that is what we are faced with as the folks at the California International Marathon are reporting they are about 90% full, as of today.

The CIM continues to fill way faster than last year! Marathoners entered as of 8/9/2012 = 7,026; marathon entry limit = 8,000. Although the entry fee increase deadline was a reason, we had more than 800 people enter last week alone! Daily entries continue to be higher than last year… so… dare we say, “Do the math.”? We will say, “Enter sooner than later to avoid disappointment!”


Boston Marathon Registration Is Closed

September 23, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News

BAA just announced that registration is closed for 2012. Read the announcement.

I hope you got in.



Boston Marathon Registration is Underway

September 18, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

Regular readers of this website should be aware that the Boston Marathon revised their registration process to make it easier for faster runners to get a bib.

The early registration is already underway for the faster runners.

From the website:

Registration will occur on a “rolling admission” schedule, beginning with the fastest qualifiers. On the first day of registration for the 2012 Boston Marathon, those who are eligible for entry by having met the qualifying standards for their age and gender group by 20 minutes or more will be able to enter on September 12 at 10:00 a.m. (ET).  On September 14 at 10:00 a.m., (if space remains) registration will open for those who have met their qualifying standards by 10 minutes or more. On September 16 at 10:00 a.m., (if space remains) registration will open for those who have met their qualifying standards by five minutes or more.


CIM Registration Set to Increase

May 26, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Road Races

The weather is still cool and a December marathon seems a world away.

It’s hard to believe you might need to be thinking about registering already, but if you want to run the California International Marathon for the “cheap” price of $85, you need to register before midnight on June 1st.

After June 1, 11:59 p.m. PST, the registration fee will increase to $105. The price remains $105 from June 2 until until the entry cap of 7,500 is achieved.

After June 1st, the price shoots up to $105, which seems like a lot until you realize that it’s only $4 per mile! (Okay. It still seems like a lot.)

Relay registration is already $105, but it goes up to $165 after August 1st.


Deadline for World Masters Track & Field Registration is Sunday

April 22, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Masters Runners

The World Masters Athletics Championships (AKA World Masters Track & Field Championships) are coming to the good old USA this July, for the first time since 1995.

As exciting as that is, you should be thrilled to pieces to know that they will be held right here in River City! (Right here!)

I know what you’re saying: “But I’m only 37! I’m too young to be a masters athlete!”

Well, fortunately for you, you sprightly younger person, for purposes of the Masters Track & Field World Championships, a masters runner is anyone 35 or older!


Rucky Chucky Roundabout Cancelled!

March 18, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Ultrarunning

While the race website still has no mention of it, the race directors for Saturday’s Rucky Chucky Roundabout sent out an email on Wednesday canceling the event. The email included the following apology:

We are sorry for the inconvenience that this may cause. We had already received the race shirts and had already shopped at Costco for race food today before we received the call.

The question of refunds has come up, but so-far all that race management is offering is a free entry to another of their races.

We are willing to offer a free entry to another one of our 2011 races(except Rock’n River 50).

I have more than a little sympathy for the race directors in this situation, but this has happened once before. Perhaps it’s a little too early in the season for this race at this particular location. (more…)

Mark Your Calendar! CIM Registration Opens March 21st

March 16, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races

Plan ahead!

It may be hard to believe, but registration for the California International Marathon opens up on March 21st.

It seems awfully early, but the race does sell out and they are offering a significantly cheaper rate for those of you willing to commit to a marathon well before you start to train for it.

The $85 rate is good until June 1st, when it goes up to $105.

Last year’s race filled up in October and there is no reason this year will be much different. However, the CIM folks are hinting of some alternative entry process. A recent email from the race says, (more…)

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