Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Mo Bartley Needs No Excuse

May 28, 2014 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Masters Runners, Road Races

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! (SRN photo)

Mo Bartley takes home a sweet, sweet plaque for her effort. (SRN photo)

On Saturday, several hundred runners kicked off the Memorial Day weekend with a run of the No Excuses 5K, Sacramento’s long-standing, age-graded race.

The key to winning this event is to be unusually fast for your age, and this year it was Mo Bartley, 59, of Auburn, who hit that sweet-spot and trounced all comers with a 20:44 finish that age-graded to 14:11.

Finishing in second place was Janice Kesterson, 60, of Oakdale, with a 21:07 that age-grades to a 14:15.


Kevin Pool, Michelle Meyer Win at Napa

March 04, 2013 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Masters Runners, Road Races

kevin crossing the finish lineOn Sunday, Folsom’s Kevin Pool was supposed to just be running a “training run” in advance of April’s Boston Marathon.

I’m curious at what point he decided to go ahead and push for the win at the 35th Annual Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon, because at some point he had to have decided to pass and then stay in front of all those other people out there on the course.

On the other hand, San Francisco’s Michelle Meyer, 25, had reportedly set a goal of running a fast time, and possibly earning the women’s win.

At the end of the day, both of them emerged victorious and were crowned Road Runners Club of America National Marathon Champions because the race served as the Road Runners Club of America’s 2013 National Marathon Championship.


Fun, Fast Running at the Willow Hills XC Open

October 14, 2011 By: John Blue Category: Cross Country, General Running News

The leaders of the open men's race at around 1.6 miles. (Photo by Craig Newport)

In Folsom last Saturday, the hills were alive with the sound of running. The weather was ideal for a day outside, so why not a little cross country?

The 3rd Annual Buffalo Chips’ Willow Hills XC Open saw runners from all over northern California join local racers for this Pacific Association of the USA Track and Field Grand Prix event.

There were three 5K races making up the event: Women (for open and masters women), Masters Men, and Open Men.


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