Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Compared to Alan Abbs, the Rest of You are Sissies

July 22, 2013 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Road Races, Ultrarunning

Alan Abs on the Bench of Despair. (Courtesy Alan Abs)

Alan Abbs on the Bench of Despair. (Courtesy Alan Abbs)

A couple of months ago, I was talking to Alan Abbs and he was jokingly urging me to join him for his run of the Last Annual Vol State Road Race, a race across the State of Tennessee.

Having been in Tennessee in July, I wasn’t feeling a strong urge to take him up on the suggestion, but it sounded kind of fun.

“I’m doing it unsupported,” he said. “So a lot of it is figuring out how to get all the aid you need from mini-marts.”


Groovy New Ultra Website

June 30, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Ultrarunning

There’s a new kid in town that I think you’re going to like.

Now that you’re sitting on your butt recovering from that epic run at Western States, or maybe sitting at your desk day-dreaming about the trails, you’ve got a great new website just brimming with candy for your ears.

It’s called Ultrarunner and it’s just chock-full of interviews of your favorite ultrarunning celebrities, pioneers, trainers, and coaches.

Imagine yourself, sitting at work staring blankly at an spreadsheet. It’s a picture of middle-class existential ennui until you plug in a discreet set of ear buds and switch on an interview of Kami Semick, Hal Koerner, Tim Twietmeyer or even Christopher McDougall. Suddenly, while still staring blankly at that spreadsheet, you are miles away pounding down a trail somewhere, living the dream.


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